Nina Kotamanidou & Georgia Touliatou
FokiaNou Art Space is pleased to present a two-person show entitled The beheaded researchers present: A crash course on inner reasoning. The artists, Georgia Touliatou and Nina Kotamanidou externalize fragmented and repeated introverted thoughts as they are triggered by external conditions. Their work refers to their anxiety about indifference, ignorance and loneliness. In drawings and paintings, they address the contrast of a dream of a happy life with the difficulty of managing their theoretically favorable situation in a culture of abundance. Their research into A.S. Byatt’s Identity and the Writer, and the idea of the personality of the individual as a “knotted subject”, forms the basis for the simultaneous creation of several texts and embroideries, leading to a greater understanding of the concept of culture and social identity.

Nina Kotamanidou looks at the everyday as a way of understanding the world we live in and what we make out of it. The tension created by the feel-good indulgence of western culture and personal dissatisfaction delineates the field of her interests. She studied painting in Aristotle University, Greece, earned an MA from Winchester School of Art, UK, and a PhD from University of Surrey, UK.

Georgia Touliatou was born in Athens, studied painting at Aristotle University of Thessalonica, Greece and at Wimbledon College of Arts, University of the Arts London, UK. Most of the time, she lives and works in Athens, Greece. She regularly participates in video festivals in the EU, Russia, Korea, Japan and the US. She currently works on a post-nostalgic point of viewing environment, human behaviors and relationships, constructing an imaginary that unveils protective narratives, in any meta-digital format.